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Conveyancing Step by Step guide
Step by Step guide:
- You pay Booking Deposit to Auctioneer and provide our contact details to Auctioneer and Bank (where Mortgage).
- Solicitor receives sale note from Auctioneer.
- Solicitor sends letter to the Vendor’s Solicitor requesting contracts and title.
- Letter received from Vendor’s Solicitor with contracts and title.
- Solicitor reviews contracts and title and notes any issues on title.
- Solicitor sends pre-contract enquiries and Contract amendments to Vendor’s Solicitor.
- Solicitor receives replies regarding pre-contract enquiries from Vendor’s Solicitor and ensures all title is in order before allowing you to sign binding contracts.
- Solicitor receives mortgage pack from Bank, if applicable.
- Solicitor completes mortgage pack on your behalf.
- You attend office of Solicitor to sign contract and mortgage documents. You must bring in a cheque for the balance of the deposit and the cost of the purchase at this stage together with your I.D. and a letter confirming your address.
- Solicitor sends contracts in duplicate to the Vendor’s Solicitor with balance deposit.
- Solicitor sends mortgage documentation back to the Bank.
- Solicitor receives signed Contract back from the Vendor’s Solicitor.
- You are in a binding contract at this stage. You should have Insurance over the house from this point on.
- Solicitor sends Objections and Requisitions on title together with Schedule of Closing documents and draft Deed to the Vendor’s Solicitor.
- Solicitor receives replies from the Vendor’s Solicitor regarding Objections and Requisitions and reviews same.
- Solicitor sends letter to the Vendor’s Solicitor arranging closing.
- Solicitor draws down funds from the Bank.
- Solicitor orders Searches on vendors and title.
- Solicitor receives response regarding said searches from Vendor’s Solicitor.
- Solicitor attends meeting at the Vendor’s Solicitor’s office for closing.
- You are the new owner from this point.
- Solicitor arranges with you to pick up keys.
- Solicitor arranges meeting with you to sign Deed and furnish Invoice for work.
- Solicitor ensures the Deed is Stamped.
- Solicitor registers the Deed and the mortgage with the PRA (Property Registration Authority) officially putting the property in your name.
- Solicitor receives the Discharge of the Mortgage and any other undertakings.
- Solicitor receives confirmation of registration back from PRA.
- You will receive a copy of your new Folio showing you as owner from us at this stage.
- Solicitor sends certified title to the Bank.
- Solicitor receives release or discharge of undertaking from the Bank.
- Solicitor reviews file before closing and putting in storage.
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